Thursday, April 16, 2009

Training schedule

So, I've created my own wee spreadsheet training schedule. Just to ensure I am on the right track. I used to write everything down in my calender but somehow got away from doing that. Using the speadsheet will also be much easier as I don't have to cross over stuff etc. Let's hope it works out.

On another note - My goodness it is SO windy in Scotland these days. Was fighting like a maniac just to stay on the road yesterday during my bike spin. Nearly got blown off it a couple of times and dragged against a bus one time. People just don't realise how much drag they have when they come hammering past you on the road - gotta keep going though.

Today I'm going for my swim. I usually do that on thursdays, fingers crossed the pool wont be that busy, although it is kiddies holidays. Last weeks swimming was a disaster more or less, kids all over the place, it can really ruin and break your rythm. I'll try out stroke counting today, I read that 25 strokes for each 25 meter pool length should give you a good start so I'll do that, see how that works out :)

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