Thursday, April 9, 2009

I hate a headwind!

So I went for my run yesterday during my lunchbreak. The normal 4 miler. Did not bad - I'm avaraging about 6.20 pr/km so that's ok considering the fact that my legs are absolutely killing me. It's my quads and hip flexors mainly. They have been for about a month now, some days I can barely walk :( oh well I guess you're just going to have to keep fighting!

My ride went ok yesterday. Just did my small 10 miler. Getting properly used to the aero bars and the clip in's now so that good. Atleast I've not had any crashes for the past week...yay! :)
My 10 miles consist of a ride (mostly flat and downhill) out one way, then turn around and back the same way. So my question is this -Why oh why is it that you ALWAYS without fail get the headwind on the way back, when you're knackered already???

Something to ponder :)

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